Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Team Keep Calm And Fight A Good Fight, Fight For Your Dreams Campain

What is team keep calm and fight a good fight, fight for your dreams campaign?

Team keep calm and fight a good fight, fight for your dreams campaign is a campaign  I have started that aim to encourage  young people especially those from disadvantaged background to have goals, to have a vision for their lives, to dream big, to be a go-getters, to aim high and work harder for their dreams. The campaign emphases more on fighting for your dreams, meaning never give up or be discouraged. There are many distractions, negativity, uncertainty along the way, that is why it so important to choose your battle when you want to succeed in life, some things are not worthy of fighting for. Fight for your goals, fight for your dreams,  Keep Calm And Trust God. When you know what you want in life you always separate yourself from things that you do not want. 

Saturday, 16 September 2017

When The Heart is Broken - It Must Be Fixed

Unfortunately, there is no manual for fixing a broken heart, there is no prescription or medication for a broken heart. Your mother, father, sisters, friends etc cannot fix your broken heart. Your career,  your money can also not fix your broken heart. When you are living in this world you have the price to pay, you have to go through heartbreaking moments in life. No one escape, even the ones who think they know everything (Miss/Mr. know it all) is not safe.
When your heart is broken stop acting like a hero, attend to your heart, fix yourself first, nothing is dangerous than a broken-hearted individual.
When your heart is broken you cannot help anybody 
When your heart is broken you cannot give love to anybody because you cannot even give  it to yourself
When your heart is broken you cannot motivate anyone because you need motivation yourself
When your heart is broken you cannot start anything new because you are drained and feeling hopeless
When your heart is broken you cannot be all over the place, stand still and trust the process
When your heart is broken you cannot teach
When your heart is broken you cannot  please anyone
When your heart is broken you cannot see the future
When your heart is broken you do not believe in love and kindness.


When your heart is broken it must be fixed, time heals a broken heart
What you do and say when you are broken allows time to heal you effectively.
Watch carefully what you do and say while you are dealing with a broken heart.
Denial will destroy you, accept the pain and deal with it,
Once your heart has been fixed you had something to say, you start telling your story, you become a story.
Once your heart has been healed you become an inspiration
Once your heart has been healed you become a teacher in life.
Once your heart has been healed you become a role model
Once your heart has been healed you become more powerful
Once your heart has been healed you start doing things for yourself, not trying to impress anyone.
Once your heart has been healed you appreciate life, you appreciate kindness, you appreciate Love.
Once your heart has been healed you rely on yourself for your happiness.
A healed heart creates a better person and a better life.
A broken heart leads you to your inner self and improves your inner self.

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