Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Monday, 2 October 2017

Definition of myself

She believes in life even through the darkness.
She decided to rise above all the situation.
She was never afraid to walk alone.
Her passion was like a fire that never stops burning.

She was her self
She walked away
She walked away from people
She walked away from things
She walked away from  pain
She walked away from the world

She fell in love
She fell in love with herself
She was found
She was found by her self
She became more powerful
She was an example
A good example
She was unstoppable

She fell in love
She fell in love again
She fell in love with God
She got to know Him
She found a lifetime partner
God was her other half
She felt a different kind of love
It humbled her
She felt complete

She felt safe
The love from the Father was life itself
She became to know her worthy
She was covered by mercy and the grace
She could not remove herself from mercy and grace
She learned to love unconditionally
She learned to forgive

She has begun a new life
She embraced pain
She embraced disappointments
She embraced rejection
She embraced loneliness
She embraced her uniqueness
She embraced each and every day

She was eager to be different
She was eager to make changes for new generations to come
She was eager to be an example
Leaving a mark was all she lived for
She was once in a lifetime
She was special
To the few who noticed.


Saturday, 23 September 2017

Team Keep Calm And Fight A Good Fight, Fight For Your Dreams Campain

What is team keep calm and fight a good fight, fight for your dreams campaign?

Team keep calm and fight a good fight, fight for your dreams campaign is a campaign  I have started that aim to encourage  young people especially those from disadvantaged background to have goals, to have a vision for their lives, to dream big, to be a go-getters, to aim high and work harder for their dreams. The campaign emphases more on fighting for your dreams, meaning never give up or be discouraged. There are many distractions, negativity, uncertainty along the way, that is why it so important to choose your battle when you want to succeed in life, some things are not worthy of fighting for. Fight for your goals, fight for your dreams,  Keep Calm And Trust God. When you know what you want in life you always separate yourself from things that you do not want. 

Saturday, 16 September 2017

When The Heart is Broken - It Must Be Fixed

Unfortunately, there is no manual for fixing a broken heart, there is no prescription or medication for a broken heart. Your mother, father, sisters, friends etc cannot fix your broken heart. Your career,  your money can also not fix your broken heart. When you are living in this world you have the price to pay, you have to go through heartbreaking moments in life. No one escape, even the ones who think they know everything (Miss/Mr. know it all) is not safe.
When your heart is broken stop acting like a hero, attend to your heart, fix yourself first, nothing is dangerous than a broken-hearted individual.
When your heart is broken you cannot help anybody 
When your heart is broken you cannot give love to anybody because you cannot even give  it to yourself
When your heart is broken you cannot motivate anyone because you need motivation yourself
When your heart is broken you cannot start anything new because you are drained and feeling hopeless
When your heart is broken you cannot be all over the place, stand still and trust the process
When your heart is broken you cannot teach
When your heart is broken you cannot  please anyone
When your heart is broken you cannot see the future
When your heart is broken you do not believe in love and kindness.


When your heart is broken it must be fixed, time heals a broken heart
What you do and say when you are broken allows time to heal you effectively.
Watch carefully what you do and say while you are dealing with a broken heart.
Denial will destroy you, accept the pain and deal with it,
Once your heart has been fixed you had something to say, you start telling your story, you become a story.
Once your heart has been healed you become an inspiration
Once your heart has been healed you become a teacher in life.
Once your heart has been healed you become a role model
Once your heart has been healed you become more powerful
Once your heart has been healed you start doing things for yourself, not trying to impress anyone.
Once your heart has been healed you appreciate life, you appreciate kindness, you appreciate Love.
Once your heart has been healed you rely on yourself for your happiness.
A healed heart creates a better person and a better life.
A broken heart leads you to your inner self and improves your inner self.


Sunday, 2 April 2017

A happy soul

A happy soul trust in God. A happy soul believes that no weapon formed against him/her shall prosper. 

A happy Soul is a dreamer and a doer. A happy soul believes in hard work. A happy soul celebrates success. A happy soul is grateful, he/she looks back at life and say thank you - to people who helped him/her to be where he/she is and thanks, God. A happy soul has a good relationship with his/her family, friends and people around him/her. A happy soul organizes his/her life every day. A happy soul keeps on improving and developing him/herself. A happy soul ignores haters and keeps on moving. A happy soul celebrates other people's success. 

A happy soul does not underestimate or overestimate him/her self. A happy soul accepts that he/she is not perfect. A happy soul is independent. A happy soul is dedicated him/herself to something worth doing. A happy soul creates his/her happiness. A happy soul fight for his/her dream. A happy soul refuses to be taken for granted.

A happy soul forgives and moves on. A happy soul has role models. A happy soul writes down his/her goals. A happy soul ignores dramatic people. A happy soul appreciates nature.

Written by Lisa Nqala


Thursday, 2 March 2017

Life goes on

The most powerful lesson I have learned from life is that IT GOES ON. Life goes on after death, after disease, after rejection, after a breakup, after failure, after humiliation, after disappointment, after the loss, after a painful experience, after the tragedy, after abandonment, after confusion, after bankrupt, after betrayal, after discouragement, after divorce, after heartache etc.

Life has so much to offer as long as are you are still breathing, you also have so much to offer life as long as you are still alive. Sometimes we just need to focus more on what we have to offer to life instead of worrying or focusing on what life has to offer to us.

Written by Lisa Nqala


Sunday, 19 February 2017

Self love Journey (PART 1) - 2017

Since our childhood, we have been told how important self-love is. We have been told that before anyone loves you or love someone you must first have a relationship with yourself. It has been said that the more we do things that feed our soul, the more we become connected to our soul. This year(2017) I have decided to go on self-love journey, I will be posting all the things that I enjoy doing and that make me connected to my soul. I believe that self - love is what you do by yourself for ourselves.
The first thing I enjoy doing is putting an outfit together, whether its a casual or formal look, whether it's for vacation or just going shopping or church. Planning an outfit is exciting.


Saturday, 18 February 2017

Self love journey (PART 2) - Have a Vision For Your life

Have a vision for your life.
What you see is more important than what other people see.
Having a vision is like planning your life the way you want it to be.  Give yourself enough time to write down your vision, be clear about what you want. There is nothing I enjoy the most than writing down my goals on the different pages of papers and keep them in the envelope, it could be a short term or a long term goals, after a month or two  I revisit my goals to check if I am still on track. Knowing what you want, what you are living for is the best thing you could do for yourself, it makes you focus more on your life, you do not worry about what other people are doing because you are too busy with your life. The book by  Rhonda Byrne The Secret says "You must sit down and write it out on a piece of paper." it also continue saying "Our job as a human is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our mind what we want ...we become what we think the most..". Sean Covey, the author of the book called the seven habits of effective teen says that" All things are created twice, first mentally, second physically". There are so many things going on around us, confusion that sometimes you  ask yourself, why am I here on earth? unfortunately, no one can answer that question for you, you must figure it out yourself, it's your job, it's your responsibility.


Friday, 17 February 2017

Self Love Journey PART (3) - Brand yourself , Work on yourself.

I have realized that self-love is also about personal branding, working on something that you love and passionate about. It could be a talent, education or anything you are passionate of. I believe in education. I am one of those people who believe that education is key to success. I grew up in a poor family in rural areas. I lost my mother when I was only seven years old. I had nothing but dreams, I had big dreams, and I refused to focus on what was happening at that time. Dreaming big was an escape for me. I lived in the future. Education for me is everything, I have been to places I never thought I would go to, I have done things that I never thought I would do, I met people I never thought I would meet, I can take care of myself and my family because of education. I have worked so hard to brand myself, now I am holding a degree in Internal Auditing and I am currently doing my Master degree in Internal Auditing. Branding yourself is the best thing you could do for yourself, no one else can do it for you, and it’s your job, your responsibility. Love yourself, Brand yourself.

Written by Lisa Nqala


Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Self Love Journey (PART 4)- Be proud

Be proud of your self you been through so much but yet you are still standing.
You survived rejection from friends, family, partner and society.
You survived being rejected on a job interview, bursary application, school application etc.
You survived abandonment.
You survived a break-up, feeling useless, unwanted and stupid.
You survived embarrassment.
You survived the pain.
You survived the worse days.
You survived self-doubt.
You survived regrets.
You survived betrayal.
You survived humiliation.
You survived the death of a love one.
You survived your own negative thought.
You survived the ending of a relationship unexpectedly.
You survived the end of the job contract.
You survived hypocrites.
Who are you?
You are you.
You are unstoppable. 
You keep on moving
You are fearless
Your motto in life is "come what come may", what going to happen is going to happen, what happened was supposed to happen. Fight a good fight, fight for your goals.


Saturday, 11 February 2017

Self love (PART 5) - Surround Yourself With Love #Choose Love.

Self-love is about choosing love in any situation and being comfortable with the real you. Choosing love is choosing to love yourself first before anyone else and to set standard for anyone who claim to love you. Choosing love is to learn to be comfortable in uncomfortable situations. Choosing love is choosing people, things that makes you feel comfortable. Even choosing clothes that makes you feel comfortable is still self-love because once you feel comfortable you begin to love yourself.

            "Love is about being comfortable"

Being surrounded by people who expect you to be something you are not or who constantly try to bring you down, makes you hate yourself and life. But once you start looking at your life and people who have been with you through thick and thin, you begin to see your life as a blessing and begin to love yourself and your life more than anything. Choose people who chose you over anything. Appreciate people who appreciate you. What good it is to have beautiful things but you cannot see and appreciate them? Love is choosing love. Love is appreciating Love. Surround yourself with love. Being surrounded by people who love and appreciate your existence is healing. 

Written by Lisa Nqala


Friday, 10 February 2017


1 Corinthians 15:58

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labour in the Lord is not in vain".

Revelation 3:21

"The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne".

Revelation 2:10

"Don't be afraid of what you are about to suffer. The devil will throw some of you into prison to test you. You will suffer for ten days. But if you remain faithful even when facing death, I will give you the crown of life".

James 1:2-3

"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."

1 Thessalonians 5-22

"Rejoice always,  pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit.  Do not treat prophecies with contempt but test them all; hold on to what is good, reject every kind of evil".

Jeremiah 31:13

"Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow".

Proverb 19:29

"You can make many plans, but the lord’s purpose will prevail".



#Rule no 1
Focus on the good.

#Rule no 2
Keep it private, it's only about you and your partner, not the world. Focus on making each other happy.

#Rule no 3
Be real, do not make it look perfect because it's not and it will never be.

#Rule no 4
Consistently develop/improve yourself, no one wants to be with someone who is stuck in life.

#Rule no 5
Have an inner circle, the people you go to when things are not going well in your life so that it does not put too much pressure on your relationship.

#Rule no 6
Be your own brand, build your brand people must not only know your for being so and so's girl/boyfriend.

#Rule no 7
Have passion, have something you are passionate about.


Sunday, 5 February 2017


1. The friend who always drop you or turn you down on the last minute.
2. The friend who talks ill of her/his other friends, he/she will do the same to you, trust me.
3. The friend   who always tells you his/her problems every time you see her/him and never have time to listen to yours, it’s always about her/ him,
4.The friend who always competes with you.
5.  That friend who has no passion in life, the boring type and draining friend.

6.  The friend who phone/text you when they need something, the mosquitoes they take and never give and if you say no to them they hate you/block your and cut you off their lives.
7. Those friends who are negative, they always say negative things about other people.
9. Those friends who are the snakes, the frenemy, they stab you at the back.
10. That friend who always tries to bring you down and never support you especially when you go through difficult times.

11. The friend who undermines everything you do.
12. The friend who always waiting for your downfall always interested on what could go wrong in your life, they never comment on the good, they only comment on the bad.

13. The friend who can’t stand you being better than her/him.

Written by Lisa Nqala


Friday, 27 January 2017


Here are the 2017 must have goals that will change your life forever.
1. Remove yourself from people and situations that drain you .
2. Be you, stop faking it, let people love you for who you are, if they can't, you are better off without them.
3. Fly with the eagles, spend time with people who are doers not dreamers.
4. Start a self  love journey.
5. Find peace within, ignore the drama.
6. Give yourself time to heal from everything that has hurt you in the past, focus on you .
7 .Be honest about your feelings to yourself and others, its like a therapy.
8. Fight a good fight, fight for your dreams.
9. Be brave
10.Stand your ground, do not be shaken, fight for yourself.


Friday, 13 January 2017


It's been a long time since I last posted. During November I decided to take a break from everything .I was on the journey of self-discovery. I took the time to learn about myself , what I really want and how I intended to get what I want.I spent a lot of my time reading a book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I also did research on how to grow my blog, Traveled to KZN and Eastern Cape just to get inspiration , spent a lot of time with people who have been there for me, I reflected on 2016 , I read other people 's blog post  to learn from them.The holidays were amazing and productive.I am so ready to start afresh in 2017 and I am so grateful for 2016 lessons.In 2017 I am opening a new chapter of my life I have an opportunity to do things differently so that I can get different results.2017 for me is a year of perseverance , I will fight for what I want to achieve. I will focus more on myself.

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