Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Work in progress

 *I am a work in progress*

Start small, and create from scratch.

Do everything with grace.

Celebrate your small wins.

Pour more into yourself.


* Work at the library as a student assistant

* Work at the computer lab as a student assistant

* Participated during registration-student assistant.

* Participated during  Open day

*Fasset tutor

* IIASA student member, attended discussion forums etc.

*Holiday part-time job (Laundry)


*Attended Sarterdays research workshops and events

*Research proposal tutor

*Research Conference

*Research presentations

*Research paper publication

*Conference paper publication

*ERSA online discussion forums on economic development, diversity etc.

*Conference research paper reviewer

*Recently joined ABASA as a student member

*Attending IIASA events


Saturday, 9 July 2022

Believe in yourself because your dreams are valid

 Masters of Internal Auditing ❤️πŸ‘©πŸ½‍πŸŽ“#From the village to google scholar Queen πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ #Your dreams are valid.


Friday, 8 July 2022

My Thesis Book

 My Thesis book is literally becoming my best friend, It is always beside me or in my laptop bag. I never get bored when it is around. I use it sometimes to create academic content, reflect on my Master's degree journey, Thesis chapters and identify what I could do better for my PhD degree. 


Monday, 30 May 2022

Reflecting on My Masters Degree Journey

Last year (2021) I decided that I will spend the whole of 2022 celebrating my Master's degree achievement and reflecting on my Journey. My Thesis journey was a hell of a ride but I am thankful that I can look back on my journey and be proud that I fought a good fight.

I remember the first few months when I just started with my Master's degree, it was so difficult, I faced so many challenges and I felt discouraged. I was all over the place, venting to everyone close to me.

One morning, I got up and decided to write down my own affirmation based on how I felt and the challenges I was facing. They made a really big shift in my life. Research is not difficult but the challenges we face in the journey really make us question ourselves, is this even worth it? you fight people, you fight the system, fight your own thoughts, fight mental illness due to stress and challenges but I praise God that he helped me and fought for me in all those challenges.

Here is the extract of the affirmation I wrote for myself:

I can write and complete my research proposal

I can get my research proposal approved by the institution's research committee

I can get an ethical certificate

I can finish my Thesis chapters

I can gather research data and analyse it

I can pass my research thesis examination

I can graduate with my Master's degree

I will hold my Master's degree certificate with my own hands

I will hold my Thesis book with my own hold

God will fight for me, for things that are beyond my control and above my powers.


Saturday, 19 February 2022



What did I do and still doing even today?

I use social media to connect and interact with my role models or influencers. 

Follow your role models on social media. 

You can develop a professional relationship with them, not forgetting to respect them and also to be respected, don't compromise respect.

 Learn from them. 

Study their ways of doing things, learn from them.

 Your timeline should be full of inspiration and motivation, it should be your source of inspiration, not distraction. 

Give yourself time to search for role models or positive people to follow on social media, keep in mind that your social media should be your source of inspiration and motivation. 

Be mindful of who you add to your follower's list.

Written by Lisa Nqala


Sunday, 13 February 2022



I only had a matric certificate and a university acceptance letter under my name.
I was extremely shy and had low self-esteem.
I had a vision for my life.
I knew what I wanted.
I was willing to fight for it.
I was willing to be patient when I did not see progress.
I was willing to learn from my mistakes.

I have obtained:
NHC: Certificate in Accountancy,
National Diploma in Internal Auditing,
BTech in Internal Auditing,
Masters of Internal Auditing,
Two publications (research papers),
My name is on google scholar,
My name is on the university repository,
Three (3) research conference presentations and two certificates,
Accounting and auditing work experience,
Tutoring experience,
Lecturing experience.
I hope this motivates and inspire someone.
We have the power to change our situations.
#hardwork #dedication #go getta#fight for your dreams

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