Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Thursday, 18 February 2021



#Time for Action   

·         Get/Google a list of all South African Universities and their contact details (some diaries have the list of all South African Universities such as government diaries).

·         List all the subjects you are currently doing. 

·         Download the University prospectors from universities homepage, website or get them from friends.

·         List the Courses that require the subjects which you are currently doing. 

·        Write down the required points for admission of your selected courses, target those points and aim high to achieve them (GOAL).

·        Put the list of targeted grades in an envelope and keep it in a safe place, re-visit it during the year to check if you are still on track or need to put more effort or work harder.

Written by Lisa Nqala


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