Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Saturday, 12 November 2016


You are what you say you are. The world can describe you in many different ways, but the power lies in with what you say and believe you are. If you do not know who you are it means you do not know where you are going If you do not know where you going life will happen to you. If you do not want life to happen to you, you better start spending some quality time with your self, get to know your self better, find joy within yourself, inspire yourself, motivate your self, renovate your self, put a new fresh look especially if you are tired with your old self. Always remember EVERY THING YOU ARE LOOKING FOR IS RIGHT WITHIN YOU.
Lisa Nichol said," anything after I AM, is true to your conscious mind your conscious mind will believe ".
Here are some of the  words you should use to define yourself each and every day  :
I am enough, I am so enough
I am a go-getter
I am a survivor
I am human, I am subjected to make mistake, but I promise myself to learn from them
I am a fighter
I am brave
I am bright
I am a change
I am my own rescue
I am determined to success
I am motivated
I am an inspiration
I fall, I rise
I cry, I laugh
I have a passion
I have a dream
I have a vision
I have God on my side, who can be against Him
I am here on earth to live and tell my story
I am a leader, I lead
I am different, so different in fact I am Unique
I am loved, by myself, my love is more powerful than anything on earth.
Self-love is a foundation, Believing in yourself is a key.

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