Lisa Nichol said," anything after I AM, is true to your conscious mind your conscious mind will believe ".
Here are some of the words you should use to define yourself each and every day :
I am enough, I am so enough
I am a go-getter
I am a survivor
I am human, I am subjected to make mistake, but I promise myself to learn from them
I am a fighter
I am brave
I am bright
I am a change
I am my own rescue
I am determined to success
I am motivated
I am an inspiration
I fall, I rise
I cry, I laugh
I have a passion
I have a dream
I have a vision
I have God on my side, who can be against Him
I am here on earth to live and tell my story
I am a leader, I lead
I am different, so different in fact I am Unique
I am loved, by myself, my love is more powerful than anything on earth.
Self-love is a foundation, Believing in yourself is a key.