Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019



If my life was perfect I would not have known how to deal with rejection.

I would not have known how to go forward in life with a heartbreak, resentment and doubts and still successes

I would not have an eager to change perceptions about myself and my life

I would not have known how to fight for my goals and my dreams

I would not have known how to rise after falling

I would not have known how to start over after disappointments

I would not have known how to be excited about starting over after failure and disappointments

I would not have known that fear will always be there to distract you for going after your blessings and goals

I would not have known how to deal with hatred

I would not have been interesting

I would not have been an inspiration

I would not have known vulnerability

I would not have benefited from vulnerability

Written by Lisa Nqala


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