Lisa Nqala

The blog is about being optimistic and being happy with what you have already achieved.

Saturday, 20 November 2021

My journey to the 30th Birthday (Part 3)

Certificate of Service as the student assistant at the computer lab 2013.

In 2012 I was so concerned about my shyness. I was so shy and insecure because of where I come from and my previous experience and body shaming I had to go through during my junior and high school years.

 I decided to apply for a part-time job at the Computer lab as a student assistant on campus. I submitted my curriculum vitae and they phone me and ask for my time table I submitted it and I got the job. I was so excited and scared. I was excited that I finally took an action about my problem and that I got a job, I would get an extra income and at the same time, I was not sure what I was getting myself into. Bear in mind that I was extremely shy plus I am from rural areas and cannot communicate properly in English. But I had to face my fear and I hate limiting myself. 

I am a firm believer that they will never be a perfect time for anything because the word perfect does not really exist in real life. At the computer lab, I had to stand in front of the students and walk around the lab attending to students query and make sure that the students adhere to the rules and regulations of the lab. On the first day, I did well and was excited about the next day and the students I was working with were so helpful and that made things so easy and exciting for me. After that I became a new person, I became better and more confident in my own skin. I was awarded a certificate of service. I was so happy, proud and inspired by myself.

Written by Lisa Nqala


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