Masters internal Auditing 2016
I applied for Masters in Internal
Auditing in 2016, I had to write a research proposal and submit it to my
department and I had to register only if my proposal gets accepted. I struggled
and it was so stressful because I had to wait for three months for the research
proposal feedback before I register. It was hectic and I was vulnerable, I had
to encourage myself. I told myself that it was a risk worth taking. I knew deep
down in my heart that this is what I wanted and there is no turning back. I had
to finish my proposal and make sure that it’s properly done and it gets
accepted. I got the feedback and I was accepted for Masters in internal
auditing. I had to register, still, I had an outstanding fees for my BTech, and
I had to take another loan at least at that time I was permanently employed so
I took it under my name.
Written by Lisa Nqala
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